This Week In The Loft

I'm Still Here

I’m still here.  I’ve just been busy…  eating cheesecake.
Well it’s been a pretty busy year so far.  I’ve been to Europe, spent Christmas in Berlin and NYE in Bucharest. And then in April I took off to Palm Springs, Las Vegas and San Francisco.  I also spent 3 months in a limbo state where I thought I was getting laid off.  But that didn’t eventuate and I’m still trundling off to work.  There’s still so much I want to do on MelbourneLoft so I want to keep it alive for some projects I have coming up.  It also serves as a nice place to go and look back at some of the crazy times we’ve had in Lofts 1 and 2.   BTW….   can you believe it is 10 years this year since I moved here to Loft 2?
So I promise more updates.  Even if it’s just photos of me getting fat on cheesecake.