This Week In The Loft

Change of Plans

Well the trip to Germany with work got cancelled last week.   The company is putting a freeze on discretionary spending.  So instead I am taking a vacation myself at the end of this.   I am going with my mate Frank to Thailand for a couple of weeks of sightseeing, shopping and lying on the beautiful beaches in southern Thailand.
If anyone has travelled to any of the beaches in Thailand and have any advice on where to go please drop me an email.   I’m thinking we’ll go to either Phuket or Koh Samui.  Both look like pretty beautiful places.   Of course it’s bad news that I don’t get to go and meet my colleagues in Germany…  but my vacation will make up for it!

1 reply on “Change of Plans”

Sawadee Khrab! I’m about to go to Phuket and I’m quite excited about it. Already booked my flight to Bangkok and from there I’ll go explore around Chiang Mai and of course Phuket, I saw your great blog on Bing and it seems that you know a lot about Phuket. Would you please give me some advice where to stay in Phuket City? I’ve read there are some fantastic hotels in the main city and in the south… Thank you in advance!

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