This Week In The Loft

It's all about Berlin

This year has gone past so quickly. And it’s all because of a small piece of paper I signed in January to buy a little apartment in Berlin. It all seemed so simple at the time. But later there was months of finding someone to renovate the apartment, working through the legal and tax issues, finally renovating and furnishing the apartment. Someday in the future I hope to spend more time there. But in the meantime I’m going to find a nice tenant to move in and pay some rent for a while. I just returned from spending a month there finalising the renovation. The place looks great and it’s in a really nice area close to all the shopping in west Berlin. I also bought a bike so I can scoot all over the city. It really is a fun city for cycling in.

This Week In The Loft

Berlin in Autumn

It’s actually my last day in Europe today so I thought I’d quickly update my blogs before I make the journey south to Thailand.
The first thing you will notice when you leave Tegal Airport in Berlin this month is the beautiful trees.   The autumn colours are amazing!   The air is very cool and fresh.   Just the day before we arrived in Berlin the weather forecasted the possibility of snow.   So here I am in Tier Garden, one of the most beautiful inner city parks in the world.  We walked from Zoo Station to the Brandenburg Gate, which is pretty much the entire 7km length of it.   We spotted a lot of wild life in the park….  and not just of the animal kind!
I thought Berlin was going to be about a lot of clubbing, but on this visit we actually spent most of it touring, shopping and eating.   This is my 5th visit to Berlin and I will never get sick of coming here.    I’ve found a great little guesthouse in Schoneberg where I can stay for very little money.    I would like to come back when the snow is falling here.

Here you can rent the vehicles that were once only ever found in East Berlin.

A myth?   Under this residential courtyard is where Hitler’s bunker was built and where he later died.    The position of this children’s playground is where the body was taken and burned.   Pretty grim stuff.   My travelling buddy Chris is very sceptical.

I’ve become a Ka De We department store food court frequent flyer on this visit to Berlin.    Ka De We dedicates it’s 2 top floors to food and wine from all over the world.   I could spend a day there alone sampling the yummy food.

Here I am with Kylie in an east Berlin flea market on a brisk Sunday afternoon.    It is not far from here that we found a long stretch of the Berlin wall still standing.

This Week In The Loft

5 Days to the European Vacation

It’s just 5 days to go now until we take off to London, Paris and Berlin.   I still have so much to get done this week before we leave.   Today I am taking the scooter out for one last ride, gymming, tanning and laundry.   It sounds like an episode of Jersey Shore.     I can’t wait till Friday night and Chris and I head to the airport.   It’s going to be so much fun!