With everything happening in the post above I’m trying to think about happier things… like when am I going to travel again. It’s seems that since taking 7 weeks off work last year I have finally ran low on vacation time. I’m actually thinking about possibly buying more time off from work. I only get 5 weeks off a year at the moment. I’d like to have 7 or 9 weeks off. That would allow me to travel more often.
For this year I have already bought a return flight to Buenos Aires. I just have to work out when I can take it. It was meant to travel in April but I am delaying it because of the surgery. And May is the beginning of their winter, so it will most likely happen around October now. So that means I should fit in a trip before that… and why not visit my old favourite… San Francisco! I’m thinking about an end of summer thing there would be nice. Perhaps another trip to the Folsom Street Fair again? The above shot was taking in SFO in Mel’s Diner last year just moment’s before I met Armistead Maupin eating there.